Painting Decorative Elements with Belinda Lucidi

I will also use Styrofoam bases, covering each one with black sugar paste. The large Sugar Smoothers are perfect for removing excess fondant and creating a a clean cut when covering cakes. They are excellent for curved and flat surfaces.

I will be hand painting this cake based on my chosen decoration, which is inspired by damask textures. Before I start painting, I gently mark off the space I will be leaving blank. I use pins to act as guides to help me outline the area of the central rhombus. Then making the most gentle of impressions, I trace the border where I will be embellishing with my textured sugar paste frame. Using the edible gold color, I start painting the decoration by first referencing the pattern. However, the pattern gradually becomes my own creation as I continue to fill in the spaces on the cake.
Painting free hand like this is, is a job of precision and having these wonderful brushes helps me speed it up while still being able to be very precise. These brushes are ideal for applying edible color dusts, powers, and paints.
After the intense painting session, I will add even more detail by applying different decorations modeled in black sugar paste. Same thing for the Crown!

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