Mollie Moo Structure and Tutorial
Being a tech-idiot, this may be a repeat. But when something is THAT good, it bears (or "Moo's") repeating: Love, love this set-up! Brilliant! Not being a professional, my frustrations with balancing both size and circumference of cakes was sorely lacking. But between the tutorial and structure, everything is set up for you. It's an amazing source of accomplishment and education bc you really do learn along the way so there is plenty to soak into the cabesa with this package deal. Were my cakes as perfect as I would like? Not really, but pretty darn close, and with time, it will become great....practice, practice, practice. And for the folks for whom I was making these cakes, they loved them; how adorable is Mollie?! She makes you want to be vegan.....almost. The structure itself is quite sturdy, simple to assemble, and with minimal care needed to maintain its use. You could use your own ideas in making Mollie stylish in many ways, depending on for whom you are creating this darling. The instructions are easier than I anticipated as they are step-by-step, and unless you are a true newbie, it will be difficult to complain as both the visual and physical go hand-in-hand so its almost seamless in learning and creating. Soooo....YES.....I would heartedly recommend ANY of the Sugarworks structures. Its worth the time and investment and every once in a while, they have an awesome sale. I already have the 2-legged standing structure and THAT is awesome as people, ainimals, etc are a breeze . I would also highly recommend the "Sugar Shapers" both regular and mini sizes. These are amazing as you don't always have the dexterity or intricate ability to get into corners or create soft surfaces with your fingers, and these have been a real treasured set of cake tools. And yes, I am just an average-Joe customer, not someone connected with the company, so my opinion is real from years of being a home baker and cake maker. Peace.